Football game - Friday (Oct 9) - Call time is at 6:30 pm
Limestone Field Show - Saturday (Oct 10)
1:00 pm Rehearsal at DHS on the field
2:30 pm Trailer loaders, chaperones should arrive; begin loading trailers
3:15 pm Buses Leave (or earlier if we are quick loaders!)
4:00 pm Arrive at Limestone HS – eat dinner, unload trailers, put together props
5:00 pm Get dressed
6:45 pm Performance
8:45 pm Awards
9:45 pm Return to DHS – unload trailers; have rides ready for pick-up
Students are to bring their own money to purchase dinner at the concessions stand.
Everyone is expected to help unload trailers upon return to DHS. Please have rides ready for pick up once everything is unloaded.