Dunlap High School Madrigals
The Dunlap High School Madrigals and Court Singers began as a discussion between parents and new Choral Director, Jen Reece, during the summer of 2001. By the following spring collaboration between the school and a very determined group of parents had sparked enough interest to hold auditions for DHS’s first “Madrigal Knight”. Nineteen years later, students at Dunlap High School continue to build upon the traditions. Auditions are held in the spring and consist of a prepared piece quartet section, exercises in blend and balance, and technical skills. The DHS Madrigals has a varied repertoire including standard Madrigal selections, seasonal carols, contemporary literature, and the occasional comical selection. A great honor, the ensemble performed in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Old North Church in July 2009. These ensembles have both won IHSA “Best Of Day” honors, and also participate in a number of performances and festivals during the year.
Members of the Madrigals perform at a variety of A Cappella selections during the school year. Local public performances, the annual “Madrigal Knight” in December, and IHSA State Solo & Ensemble Contest keep these singers busy with rehearsals and performances most of the school year. Rehearsals are typically on Monday evenings beginning in early August and run through December, with additional practice during contest season. Auditions occur in the spring for the following year and include a vocal audition selection, technical skills portion, part singing selection, and balance and blend exercises. Madrigals is open to any student enrolled in Chorus, freshmen through senior year.
2024 Madrigals
SopranoSofia Cordes
Kaitlyn Glover Ruby Hall Izzy Hosein Ella Perce |
AltoMaansi Huliyar
Zoe Kostouros Claire Morris Allison Ninnam Olivia Sass |
TenorArh-J Doromal
Stephen Grichnik Isaac Hartman Yash Kulkarni J.D. Whitmore |
BassNav Edavan
Santi Iadipaolo Humza Javed Eli Sells William Weiland |
Madrigal Knight now has a Linktree account. Please click this link https://linktr.ee/jenreece or scan the QR code below to view. Check back to see updates as the season progresses.