12:00 noon - Rehearse in the stadium, eat lunch before arriving
1:30 pm - Load trailers, eat provided snack & Chaperones arrive by 2:00 pm,
we will leave as soon as trailer is loaded
Arrive at Illinois Wesleyan, unload trailers, use restrooms and get dressed
4:30 pm - Dressed & ready for warm up
6:00 pm - Performance
Eat dinner at concession stand after performance - bring money
8:00 pm - Awards
9:30 pm - Return to DHS & unload trailers - have rides waiting
Students are to eat lunch before arriving for practice. We will have a snack before we load the buses. Concessions will be available at the stadium, so students should bring their own money to buy dinner after the performance.
Students may be checked out on the sign out sheet on their bus after the performance by a parent only, unless a note has been sent in advance to Ms Potts or Mr Seha.
We are still in need of volunteers to help at the competition on Sat. Also, we have added snacks to the Volunteer Spot for Sat. Please sign up if you are available to help. Please use the button at the top of this page to get to the volunteer sign up.