Monday, Oct. 19th - CADET Football Game - 5:30 pm call time
Tuesday, October 20th - NO VARSITY Rehearsal
Thursday, October 22nd - VARSITY Rehearsal from 7:00-9:00 pm THIS IS REQUIRED!!!
Friday, October 23rd - CADET Rehearsal - 1:00-2:30 pm - THIS IS REQUIRED!!
Saturday, Oct. 24th - WIU Competition:
8:45 am - Cadets load buses
9:00 am - Cadet band/flags leave DHS
Cadets stopping on the way for lunch - bring money
Noon - Cadets Get dressed
2:00 - Cadets Perform
5:00 - Cadet Awards
5:15 - One Cadet bus will return to DHS - Students will NOT be able to enter the building
Other cadet bus will stay until varsity band heads for home - departure around 9:15 pm
2:45 pm - Varisty band & chaperons load buses
3:00 pm - Varsity band leaves DHS
5:00 pm - Arrive at WIU and eat in the stadium - bring money for food
6:00 pm - Get dressed
6:30 pm - Warm up
7:45 pm - Perform
9:00 pm - Awards
9:15 pm - Varsity buses and one cadet bus leave for DHS
Everyone is expected to stay & help unload the trailers upon return to DHS