Dunlap High School Music and Theater Boosters - Meeting Minutes September 5, 2023 - 7:04PM - DHS Town Hall 1. President Jami Webster-Hall called the meeting to order at 7:05pm 2. In attendance: - Officers: Jami Webster-Hall, Jennifer Weber - Board Members: Annette Ninnam, Jenni Paustain, Sarah Kammerer, Amy Bloms - Attendees: Deanna Marquette, Jenny Carmean, Amy McLaren - Special guest: Ken Erdman 3. Officer Reports - Previous minutes were made available prior to the meeting. A motion was made by Sarah, seconded, moved to vote. All voted aye, minutes approved. - Treasurer's Report: Revised budget sent out for review ahead of meeting as Jeff not able to be present tonight. Questions will be tabled for next month when Jeff can join us.The question was asked by a band parent if band fundraiser is part of band boosters; it was clarified that it is not. It was further clarified that band, theater, and chorus all have their own budgets separate from Band Boosters. Motion was made to receive and file treasurer's report, motion approved. A motion was made to approved updated budget as prepared, motioned and seconded, carried unanimously. - Vice-President: no report - President: Jami suggested looking at old minutes for guidance for each committee and officer. She encouraged emailing, calling and texting her to get in touch with any questions. 4. Director and Standing Committee Reports a. Band: directors are at rehearsal tonight. The first competition is this Saturday at Washington, parents encouraged to attend to support kids. Fall concert scheduled for October 12 w/chorus. b. Orchestra: no report c. Theater: no report from Willis. Jami said Katie Cazalet was approached about the 3 groups sharing funds to purchase the spotlight next year, and Katie will talk to our CFO. Fall play scheduled for October 4 and 5. d. Chorus: Fall Concert October 12 w/band. Parent volunteers needed for uniform fittings for chorus, per Mrs. Reece's email. e. Public Relations: no report f. Fundraising: Annette reported that our first restaurant night is September 13 at Panera 4-8pm, must show flier so we can get 20% sales. Spirit wear sale: online store will be open all year along. g. Special Events: no report. She is looking for ideas; if anyone has them, please contact her! 5. Old Business 6. New Business a. Thank you gift presented to Ken, last year's president at start of meeting. b. Is there an update on sound system for auditorium? It was supposed to be upgraded this summer. Jami will inquire. c. Sarah raised the suggestion of offering incentives for parents to join Band Boosters, similar to Athletic Boosters (name recognition, free admission, parking, etc). 7. Motion to adjourn by Sarah Kammerer, seconded. Board meeting ended at 7:44pm. Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, October 3 at 7pm DHS Town Hall.